Le Diable Rouge A production by Antoine Rault Category : Theatre Date / Period : April 10 to May 18, 2013 BOOKMARK Telephone: 514 253-8974 Toll-free: 1 800 361-4595 Reservation: 514 790-1245 E-mail: URL: Overview Overview Mazarin, using cunning diplomacy, negotiates a peace treaty with Spain in exchange for the marriage of the young Louis XIV with the Infanta Maria Theresa. But the future king is in love with the niece of the Cardinal, the young Marie Mancini. Suddenly we are all witness to the power games of Mazarin, Colbert (Minister of Finances), and the regent. But despite his young age, Louis has learned from his master and will not be easily manipulated. Schedule Particularity At 8 p.m. Language In French Price $37 Customers Event location Théâtre Jean-Duceppe Neighbourhood : Downtown Place des Arts 175 Sainte-Catherine Street West Montréal Metro : Place-des-Arts.
Event Details. Location:
175 Sainte-Catherine Street West