Edward Curtis - Beyond Measure Category : History Date / Period : May 24 to November 18, 2012 BOOKMARK Telephone: 514 398-7100 Toll-free: Reservation: E-mail: URL: http://www.mccord-museum.qc.ca/en Overview Overview With its exhibition, the McCord Museum offers a selection of photogravures taken from Edward Curtis volumes. Schedule Thuesday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. except Wednesday, until 9 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed on Monday except holiday Mondays. Particularity Language Price Group Rate $14 Customers Event location McCord Museum Neighbourhood : Downtown 690 Sherbrooke Street West Montréal Metro : McGill.
Event Details. Location:
690 Sherbrooke Street West