Et Vian! dans la gueule Text of Boris Vian Category : Theatre Date / Period : April 27 to May 22, 2010 BOOKMARK Telephone: 514 866-8668 Toll-free: Reservation: 514 878-7878 E-mail: URL: Overview Itineraries Overview Staging traditional and modern classics, the Th tre du Nouveau Monde works with Qu bec's foremost artists in a spirit of openness and freedom, presenting major innovative productions that attract a diverse audience. Schedule Particularity At 8 p.m. Two presentations on Saturdays: 3 p.m., 8 p.m. Sold-out Thursday, April 29. Closed on Sundays and Mondays. Language In French Price Fees for activity Group Rate Customers Event location Th tre du Nouveau Monde Neighbourhood :Downtown 84 Sainte-Catherine Street West Montr al Metro :Place-des-Arts.
Event Details. Location:
Downtown 84 Sainte-Catherine Street West @t catherine street west, boris vian, metro place